New Spirometry Clinics at the Driffield ARI HUB

As the winter pressures have now subsided, this has enabled us to progress into the second phase of the Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) HUB with the commencement of Spirometry clinics. The ARI HUB, which runs from the Alfred Bean hospital in Driffield, has been a great success for local patients to date and we’re pleased we’re now able to extend the focus to proactive care and diagnosis of respiratory conditions to support patients with long-term conditions.

Spirometry is a simple test used to measure lung function by showing how well you can breathe in and out. Spirometry testing helps to assess and diagnose whether you have COPD, Asthma, or other forms of lung restriction ensuring correct diagnosis and treatment.

The clinics are available for patients registered with the below GP practices:

-            The Medical Centre, Driffield

-            The Park Surgery, Driffield

-            Leven & Beeford Medical Practice

-            Eastgate Medical Group

Patients can access this service by contacting their GP who can refer them into the clinic.

Charlotte Flintoft